Anionic surfactant

Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulfonic Acid (LABSA/LAS-96%)

Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulfonic Acid (LABSA/LAS-96%)

Abbreviation:LABSA / n-DBSA / LBSA / BABSA / LAS-96%

Others Name : Dodecy lbenzene Sulfonic Acid / Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulfonic Acid/Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid / n-Dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid / Branched Alkyl Benzene Sulfonic Acid

CAS NO:68584-22-5 / 27176-87-0
Alkylbenzene sulfonates are a class of anionic surfactants, consisting of a hydrophilic sulfonate head-group and a hydrophobic alkylbenzene tail-group. Along with sodium laureth sulfate they are one of the oldest and most widely used synthetic detergents and may be found in numerous personal-care products (soaps, shampoos, toothpaste etc.) and household-care products (laundry detergent, dishwashing liquid, spray cleaner etc.)

Linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS) are prepared industrially by the sulfonation of linear alkylbenzenes (LABs), which can themselves be prepared in several ways. In the most common route benzene is alkylated by long chain monoalkenes (e.g. dodecene) using hydrogen fluoride as a catalyst. The purified dodecylbenzenes (and related derivatives) are then sulfonated with sulfur trioxide to give the sulfonic acid. The sulfonic acid is subsequently neutralized with sodium hydroxide. The term "linear" refers to the starting alkenes rather than the final product, perfectly linear addition products are not seen, in-line with Markovnikov's rule. Thus, the alkylation of linear alkenes, even 1-alkenes such as 1-dodecene, gives several isomers of phenyldodecane.