


CAS NO:59113-36-9
Diglycerin is a highly pure polyol with four hydroxyl groups produced through glycerin reaction, distillation, and refinement. Diglycerin is widely used as a moisturizer in cosmetics and as a raw material for fatty acid esters and other substances.

Cosmetic applications:
Excellent moisture retention    Skin lotions, milky lotion and creams
Provides softness and smoothness    Shampoo, hair conditioner, etc.
Provides a moist feel and gloss    Hair styling products
Provides a feeling of warmth to the skin    Massage gels
Works as a solvent    Make-up removers
Improves the feel    Various types of cosmetics
Improves the quality of lather    Facial wash, body wash and shampoo
Industrial applications

Raw material for urethane, fatty acid ester and other derivatives, Plasticizer for water-soluble polymers