Acid Esters

Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether Acetate

Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether Acetate

CAS NO:111-15-9
Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether Acetate is an organic compound with the formula CH3CH2OCH2CH2O2CCH3. It is the ester of ethoxyethanol and acetic acid. A colorless liquid, it is partially soluble in water.

Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether Acetate is a liquid at room temperature that is used as a solvent. It can be absorbed through inhalation, ingestion, and dermally and should be avoided. It may form an explosive mixture with air. It is also incompatible with strong acids, strong alkalis and nitrates. It may form unstable peroxides and it can soften many plastics, attack plastics, rubber and coatings.

Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether Acetate has been used to dissolve polyester and short oil alkyd resins. It has also been used in coatings, dyes, insecticides, soaps and cosmetics. It is also a solvent for nitro-cellulose and is being used for the same applications as ethyl glycol

In automobile lacquers it has been used to reduce evaporation and to impart a high gloss.