


CAS NO:67-64-1
Acetone, also known as 2-propanone or dimethyl ketone (DMK), is an important chemical intermediate used in the production of acrylic plastics, polycarbonates and epoxy resins. These materials in turn are used by many different industry sectors to product countless everyday items. Acetone is also used in its own right as a solvent.

Chemical acetone
Acetone is manufactured from the basic raw materials of benzene and propylene. These materials are first used to produce cumene, which is then oxidised to become cumene hydroperoxide, before being split into phenol and its co-product, acetone.

Use as a chemical intermediate
Most acetone is consumed as an intermediate feedstock for acrylic plastics used for glazing, signs, lighting fixtures and displays, and for production of Bisphenol A (BPA) which, in turn, is used to manufacture polycarbonate and epoxy resins. Both polycarbonate and epoxy resins are used in many different industries and in countless items which we encounter every day.

Acetone is also used extensively in the manufacture of artificial fibres and as an intermediate in pharmaceuticals.

Use as a solvent
Acetone is one of the most widely used solvents in the world due to is combination of  high solvency and a high rate of evaporation. It can be found in many everyday products including paints, cleaning fluids, nail polish remover, and adhesives.

Acetone is a colourless, low boiling, easy pouring liquid with a characteristic odour. It is miscible in all proportions with water, alcohols, many hydrocarbons and other organic liquids. It has good solvent properties for vegetable and animal fats, cellulose, natural and synthetic resins and many other organic substances.

Acetone's listing as a non-volatile organic compound (VOC) in the US is increasing its use in coatings applications.